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A Businessman Handing Over Keys

Accounting Housekeeping for the Potential Sale

Molly Stinn, CPA helps you make sure you’re ready for the sale of your business- be it now or sometime down the road:    …
Two people sitting in chairs on a beach vacation

Enhance Your Retirement

Al Harsar, CPA gives tips for tax-free retirement savings:     Saving for retirement is a no-brainer. But, wouldn’t you like to earn your retirement…
Split road sign

Making Decisions in Stressful Situations

What they say is true: with success comes adversity. As a small business owner or high net worth individual, you probably already know this all…
Photo of a person holding a jar with a label that says "Charity" on the front.

Tax-Free Charitable Donations: Here’s How

Al Harsar, CPA gives a tip on donating to charities tax-free:     Good news for those who donate to charities! With the PATH Act…
Photo of a hand drawing a flowchart diagram.

5 Things to Avoid When Creating Your Niche Plan

Google “niche marketing articles” and you’ll get hits on all kinds of advice. Strategies for successful niche marketing, why niche marketing matters, ways to ace…
Photo of a bunch of shredded paper, and in the foreground, a half-shredded sheet of paper says "Identity Theft"

2016’s Identity Protection Outlook

James Kilgore, CPA gives a summary of this year’s identity protection hot-button items:     It is the unfortunate truth that fraud is ever-present in…
Photo of a person doing budget planning.

Start off Your Year with a Bang

2015 is long over, and you had a great year- lots of growth in revenue and net income for your company.  Time for some much…
Close up of a FAFSA form

Tackling the Cost of College Tuition

Ann Emery, CPA outlines the keys to valuable savings on college tuition costs:     The rising cost of college tuition can seem insurmountable. However,…
Overhead photo of an organized desk

6 Ways to Get Organized for Tax Season

According to Chris Eichmuller, CPA this tax season can be your most effortless one yet with some simple organization tips:     Getting your files and receipts…
Photo of a businessman reaching his hand out, offering a handshake.

Don’t Miss a Networking Opportunity

I recently came across this article, which has some great advice concerning networking or potential new client meetings not only for CPAs, but any service…